Cost Effective SAS
Server Submit An Alternative to SAS/Connect®
- No SAS Required on Client PC.
- Central Server SAS Execution within a Validated Controlled Environment.
- Batch Submit Groups of Programs in Specified Order.
- Program Submit Status and Task Kill for Error Bound Programs.
Ease of Use
You can right mouse click on a SAS program on your client PC and have it submit the program on a validated server. Alternatively, a folder can be selected and a group of selected programs can be submitted on the server.
The user is authenticated through the operating system and jobs are executed by that user. Group permissions and file security are applied.
Automate Batch Submit of SAS Programs
Sy/Submit is a set of user-friendly tools to batch submit your SAS programs. It is accomplished through Windows Explorer so it is familiar to users. Some of the features include:
- Batch submits multiple SAS programs one at a time.
- Ability to select the order in which the programs are executed.
- Records an audit trail of who submitted each job and when.
- Generates a log evaluation of submitted programs capturing error and warning messages.
- Generates audit reports on completed jobs.
- All jobs of current user
- Latest jobs for current user
- Latest jobs for all users
- Saved ordered jobs
- Batch submits on local machine or on remote servers.
- BAT files creation for Windows scheduler.