Trialex Toolkit is a set of macros that will optimize your analysis and reporting of clinical data. It allows statistical programmers and biostatisticians to script repetitive tasks. It also sets standards so that your reports and analysis datasets are more consistent and error free. Some of the features include:
Automated SAS program batch submission
Centralized report titles and footnotes management
SAS Log evaluation for debugging
Page X of Y for output formats including ASCII, RTF, HTML and PDF
RTF HTML and PDF report generator
Table contents generator with hyperlinks to all reports and graphs
The interface to these tools are SAS macros so they can be easily accessed through a standard SAS program. Users can get up to speed quickly and become more productive in preparation for any analysis and reporting needs, including an electronic submission.
is software solution for: SAS Analysis Tools, SAS Reporting Tools, SAS Batch
Submit, SAS Report Standards, SAS Log Evaluation, SAS Page X of Y Tool,
Table of Contents SAS Output, SAS Output TOC