Metadata Subteam Meeting (2) - June 9, 2009

Metadata Meeting (2) 
Tuesday June 9, 2009, 12:00 PM (PST), 3:00 PM (EST) 
Call: 866-469-3239
Meeting Number: 715 763 186 
Team members:
Carolyn Wilson
Carol Vaughn
Madhavi Vermuri
Richard Lewis
Susan Hamilton
Sy Truong

Action Items
The following action items resulting from the meeting.  The assigned team member will be noted in blue.  
  1. DEFINE.XML Verification - An example metadata excel file with variable list to be send to Sy and then reviewed.
    Carolyn Wilson
    Sy Truong

  2. Metadata Verification - An evaluation was applied to a version of the meta data and findings were found at Sy Truong

    Metadata Verification.

  3. Controlled Terminology - An evaluation of the controlled terminology will be reviewed for consistency with guidelines.
    Sy Truong

  4. TOC Instruction - Instructions and example of the TOC conversion to HTML will be uploaded to portal.
    Sy Truong

    PDF TOC Export Instructions  

Completed Tasks
    last updated on June 9.2009