Metadata Subteam Meeting - June 1, 2009

Metadata Subteam Meeting 
Date: Monday, June 01, 2009 
Time: 3:00 PM Eastern Daylight Time (GMT -04:00) 
Meeting Number: 716 643 331 
Team members:
Carolyn Wilson
Madhavi Vermuri
Richard Lewis
Susan Hamilton
Sy Truong

Action Items
The following action items resulting from the meeting.  The assigned team member will be noted in blue.  
  1. Review Annotated CRF - A review of the annotated CRF (blankcrf_2009-05-18 FDA EDC.pdf) against the CDISC guidelines to see if we are consistent.
    Sy Truong

  2. PDF TOC Export - An example export technique will be documented from PDF to HTML as an example.  This will allow for a process of creating TOC.
    Sy Truong

    The following are steps taken with Adobe Acrobat Professional (Version 6.0)

    1. Open the PDF file in Acrobat Professional 

    2. Click on the menu: FIle > Save As...

    3. Select "Save as type" pull down as "HTML 4.01 with CSS 1.00 (*.htm)"

    4. Specify File name such as: "anno_crf_example.html".

    5. Click on "Save" button.
      Example created here: anno_crf_example.html

  3. DEFINE.XML Verification - An example DEFINE.XML, code list and variable list to be send to Sy and then reviewed.
    Carolyn Wilson
    Sy Truong

    Findings were found at Metadata Verification.


Completed Tasks
    last updated on June 9.2009