Metadata Subteam Meeting - June 17, 2009

Metadata Meeting (4) 
Wednesday June 17, 2009, 12:00 PM (PST), 3:00 PM (EST)
Call: 866-469-3239
Meeting Number: 716 281 921
Team members:
Carolyn Wilson
Carol Vaughn
Madhavi Vermuri
Richard Lewis
Gail Stoner
Susan Hamilton
Sy Truong

Action Items
The following action items resulting from the meeting.  The assigned team member will be noted in blue.  
  1. Define.XML Links - Update the hyperlinks to be at the same location for transport files and annotated CRF.  This sample is found at: Metadata IG Package 
    Sy Truong

  2. Code List  - The terms from the code list will be updated.  Currently, the code list values are missing or not shown.  A review of the Metadata IG Package will be made to see how where the code list came from.   I received clarification for the following:

    formats.sas7bdat - this is used for the variable level code list.

    tstcodes.sas7bdat - this is used for the value level metadata code list.
    Sy Truong

Completed Tasks
    last updated on June 17.2009