Transdata™ - verification_rep


Generate verification reports for review of transformation.

%verification_rep (srcdat = source data,
                                destdat =
destination data,
                                model =
model data,
                                outpath =
output path);

WhereIs Type...And represents...
srcdat C

Source data specified by a two level name such as: INLIB.AE.

destdat C

Destination data specified by a two level name such as OUTLIB.AE.

model C

The model dataset which perform the transformation.  This is a two level dataset specification.  For example: MODLIB.AE.

outpath C (optional) Output path to the location of the reports.  If this is left blank, the current location is used.

This report will produce two HTML reports.  These are HTML frame reports intended to be reviewed with the source and destination data side by side.  The two reports include:

  • print_data.html - The "data" name will be replaced with the name of the destination dataset.  This report contains the PROC PRINT of the source and destination for the first three subjects.
  • freq_data.html - This is a PROC FREQ of specified transformation variables. 

The reports are frames so there will be additional HTML files generated for the report.


%verification_rep (srcdat =,
                                     destdat =,
                                     model =
                                     outpath =

    Transdata - ETL CDISC Software,  Meta-Xceed Inc.© 2009
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