
Verify the XML schema of a DEFINE.XML against CDISC standards

%schemchk (infile = input DEFINE.XML file,
                          outfile = output HTML report);


Is Type...

And represents...


C (200 chars)

The input DEFINE.XML file used to be verified.  This can be the name of the file or can include the path and the file name.  If left blank, it will read the file DEFINE.XML in the current directory.


C (200 chars)

The output report HTML file name.  This can contain just the file name or the path and file name.  If left blank, this will be defaulted to the file name SCHEMCHK.HTML stored in the current path.

This tool will verify the elements of a DEFINE.XML in accordance to the standard schema specified by CDISC which is documented at: Case Report Tabulation Data Definition Specification (define .xml) -  (CRT-DDS V1.0).  It will test for three conditions.

  • Required Elements - Verify that all elements defined in the schema from CDISC standards that are required are contained in the DEFFINE.XML. 

  • Extra Elements - Verify if there are any extra elements defined in the DEFINE.XML that are not defined in the CDISC schema 

  • Ordered Elements - The order of the elements must follow the prescribed order according to the guidelines. 

The macro will then generate a report as specified in the OUTFILE parameter detailing any findings that if found documenting the XML element that deviated from the guidelines including a segment of the XML file and line number within the file for reference.



%schemchk (infile=define.xml,

%schemchk (infile=c:\temp\define.xml,

    Definedoc - DEFINE.XML Software,  Meta-Xceed Inc.© 2009
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