
 Set up configuration parameters for Definedoc

%config (param = name of configuration parameter,
                  value =
value to be set for parameter,
                  print =
print all parameters );

WhereIs Type...And represents...
paramC (40 chars)Short name for configuration parameter (i.e. Web Root, Analysis Root).
valueC (200 chars)Value which is assigned to the parameter.
printC (optional)Optional request to print out all parameters.  Valid values include:
  • no (default)
  • yes

This tool allows the administrator to configure system level parameters for Definedoc.  The macro interface allows easy access for administrators to set system configuration parameters.  Valid parameters include:

  • Schedule Stop Time - The default scheduled stop time for repeating jobs.  This is calculated relative to the starting time.  This is entered in seconds so some possible entries may be:
    • 60 - one minute later
    • 3600 - one hour later
    • 86400 - one day later
    • 604800 - one week later
    • 2419200 - one month later
  • Scheduler Application - This define the application used to invoke the schedule.  This include the path and the executable file of the scheduling application.
  • SASTEMP - A path to a temporary location where scheduled job will be stored.

Note that if all parameters are left blank then an interactive configuration interface will be available.  This allows for interactive editing of configuration parameters.


%config (param=Report Type [1], value=Listings);

%config (param=Report Type [2], value=Summary Tables);

Interactive Configuration
The interactive interface allows you to edit and add configuration options interactively.  This allows you to do the following:

  • Add Row - Adding a new configuration parameter
  • Edit - Editing and updating existing configuration parameters
  • Delete Row - Deleting an existing configuration parameter

Add Row
You can add a new configuration parameter by right mouse clicking on the configuration list and selecting the add row item.

The number column label is changed to NEW and you are prompted to enter a configuration parameter and value.  The configuration parameter has to be one of the valid parameters listed above.  Upon completion, right mouse click on the menu again and select commit new row.

The entire table is available for edit at any point.  Just click on any of the items and start typing.  Note that if the dataset is locked by another user or session, you will not be able to apply any updates.

Delete Row
You can delete a configuration parameter by selecting any item in the row and then right mouse clicking to select the delete row item within the list.

* On Windows operating systems, special characters and spaces may not work. It is therefore recommended that path names do not contain spaces and special characters.

    Definedoc - DEFINE.XML Software,  Meta-Xceed Inc.© 2009
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