
Generate CDISC Supplemental Qualifiers non standard variables and their association to parent domain

%suppqual (data = source dataset,
= variable names,
                        rdomain =
related domain,
= study identifer,
= identification variable,
= unique subject id,
= variable names,
                        output =
output dataset,
                        merge =
merge into one,
                        basecode =
SAS/Base Code);



Is Type...

And represents...

data C (200) A two level dataset name specification in the form of libname.dataname. 
varname C (200) Relating record variables separated by spaces.
rdomain C (200 optional) Related domain abbreviation to the current dataset
studyid C (200) Study identifier.  This can be specified as a name or a numeric number.
idvar C (200 optional) Identification variable that identifies the related records
usubjid C (200) Unique Subject Identifier of the SDS domain record(s).
qorig C (200 Optional) Original source of the variable.  Possible values include:
  • CRF

There must be a one to one correspondence between the origin specifications relating to each variable name.  If this is left blank, it will default to CRF.

output C (200 Optional) Output dataset name.  This can be either a two level or one level name.  If it is one level, it will be defaulted to be produced in the same location as specified in the data parameter.  If no value is specified, it will generate a data set name SUPPQUAL in the default location.
merge C (200 Optional) This will merge all the individual SUPPQUAL by their relational domain into one large SUPPQUAL dataset.  Valid values include:
  • no (default)
  • yes

If yes is specified, an additional program named will be created to perform the merging of the data.

NOTE: suppqual normally creates datasets named SUPPQUAL_RDOMAIN where the "RDOMAIN" is the name of the related domain dataset.

basecode C (200 optional) Saved location of SAS Base code that is used to create the relational records dataset.

Because the SDTM does not allow for additional variables, the extra metadata and data are stored in a separate SUPPQUAL dataset.  One common case for using SUPPQUAL is to capture attributions. An attribution is typically an interpretation or subjective classification of one or more observations by a specific evaluator, such as a population flag that classifies a subject.  An optional grouping identifier variable --GRPID can be used in SUPPQUAL to identify individual qualifier values (SUPPQUAL records) related to multiple domain records that could be grouped. 

The data structure is as follows:
 Variable    Variable Label    Type    CDISC Notes  
 STUDYID   Study Identifier    Char   Study Identifier of the Parent record(s).  
 RDOMAIN   Related  Domain Abbreviation  Char  Domain Abbreviation of the Parent record(s). Null for an attribution (e.g., ITT) that may apply for all records in all  domains for a subject.    
 USUBJID   Unique Subject Identifier  Char   Unique Subject Identifier of the Parent record(s).  
 IDVAR  Identifier Variable  Char  Identifier variable in the dataset that identifies the related  record(s). Examples: --SEQ, --GRPID.
 IDVARVAL   Identifier Variable Value    Char   Value of identifier variable of the parent record(s).  
 QNAM  Qualifier Variable Name    Char  The short name of the Qualifier variable. This variable should contain a text value less than or equal to 8 characters in length, so the value could be used as a column name in a domain view with data from the parent domain(s). This will often be the column name in the sponsor’s original dataset. QNAM values can only include alphanumeric characters and the underscore (_) and cannot start with a number.
 QLABEL  Qualifier Variable Label    Char   This is the long name or label associated with QNAM. This should be less than or equal to 40 characters. This will often be the column label in the sponsor’s original dataset.  
 QVAL  Data Value    Char   Result of, response to, or value associated with QNAM. A value for this column is required; no records can be in SUPPQUAL with a Null value for QVAL.  
 QORIG   Origin    Char Since QVAL can represent a mixture of collected (on a CRF), derived, or assigned items, QORIG is used to indicate the origin of this data. Controlled terminology: CRF, ASSIGNED, or DERIVED.  
 QEVAL  Evaluator    Char Used only for results that are subjective (e.g., assigned by a person or a group). Should be Null for records that contain objectively collected or derived data. Controlled terminology will consist of values such as ADJUDICATION COMMITTEE, STATISTICIAN, DATABASE ADMINISTRATOR, CLINICAL COORDINATOR, PRIMARY INVESTIGATOR, etc.  

Each time the %suppqual is called, it will append the specified variables into the suppqual dataset.  If the variable already exists, it will update the information.

The basecode parameter will generate SAS/BASE code that will perform the same task of transposing input data into the SUPPQUAL dataset.  In addition, it will generate optional code that can be used to perform the reverse transposition from SUPPQUAL back into the original data structure.  This is useful if you have legacy code that you wish to use with the SUPPQUAL data.   This reverse transposition code can be regenerate the data that can then be used with the original legacy code.


%suppqual (,
cmgrpid cmtrt cmdecod cmdose cmdosu cmstdtc cmendtc,
    CDISC Builder - CDISC Data Tools Software,  Meta-Xceed Inc.© 2009
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