
Generate analysis files from supplemental qualifier data

%sup2dat (data = source dataset,
                      rdomain =
related domain,
= identification variable,
= variable type,
= output dataset);



Is Type...

And represents...

dataC (200)A two level dataset name specification in the form of libname.dataname. An example is:

rdomainC (200 optional) Related domain abbreviation to the current dataset.  If this is not specified, the first IDVAR, it will select all the rows containing the IDVAR.
idvarC (200) Identification variable that is stored in the supplemental qualifier.  
vartypeC (200 optional) Output variable type.  Valid value include:
  • Char (default)
  • Num 
outdatC (200 optional) This is the name of the new dataset that will be produced.  This is a two level name such as:


A optional dataset label can also be specified in the format of:

libname.dataname (label="my label")

If this is not specified, a dataset in the WORK area will be produced with the name: a_newdata where the "newdata" is the name of the IDVAR.

This tool will produce an analysis file from the selected SUPPQUAL dataset.  It would then create an analysis file from the selected IDVAR.  
If the output dataset exist, the tool would overwrite the existing variable or append the new variable to the existing dataset.  When merging or appending, merge the specified STUDYID and USUBJID variables.

It will perform the following error checking and produce the following message if the parameters are invalid.

  • If the DATA parameter is missing:
    ERROR: [sup2dat] is missing required parameter DATA for input dataset.
  • If the DATA parameter is not valid:
    ERROR: [sup2dat] is not able to access the specified input dataset for parameter DATA.
  • If RDOMAIN is invalid:
    ERROR: [sup2dat] contains an invalid value for related domain in parameter RDOMAIN.
  • If IDVAR is missing:
    ERROR: [sup2dat] is missing required parameter IDVAR for supplemental qualifier identification variable. 
  • If the IDVAR parameter is not valid:
    ERROR: [sup2dat] is not able to access the specified IDVAR identification variable in parameter IDVAR.
  • If VARTYPE is invalid: 
    ERROR: [sup2dat] is has an invalid specification for variable type.  
    NOTE: Valid values include CHAR or NUM.
  • If OUTDAT is invalid:
    ERROR: [sup2dat] contains an invalid specification for output dataset.  
    NOTE: This needs to be a two level dataset name in the format of libname.dataname.


%sup2dat (data = mylib.suppqual,
                       rdomain =
= outlib.a_ae);
    CDISC Builder - CDISC Data Tools Software,  Meta-Xceed Inc.© 2009
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