When establishing standards, it is a common task to determine similarities between variable names and labels.  This will help you establish standard variable names or match variables to a particular standard.  The MATCHVAR automates this process by generating a report capturing the similarities between selected datasets.  You can control how tolerance of the match with a score of 1 to 5.  Where 5 is most loose and 1 is a very tight fit.

The MATCHVAR screen allows you to select the data which to be included in the evaluation of matching variables.  The data flow for this tool is shown here.

Source Data

CDISC Builder



The options available for selecting data and options for MATCHVAR are:

  • Source Data - This is the location of the dataset that is going to be used to perform the match variable analysis.
  • Datasets - Source datasets that are used to for MATCHVAR.
  • Preview - A preview of the first 100 observations of the data that is selected.
  • Tolerance Score - The score between 1 and 5 which controls the degree of how closely the match should be.  A score of 1 is a very tight fit where a 5 is a very loose fit.  You can choose any values in between.
  • Report Title - The title of the report. 
  • Output - The output HTML report index page name of the report.  There will be two other pages created based on this name which stores the details of the report.
The MATCHVAR can be applied to many datasets within the specified source location data path at one time.
    CDISC Builder - CDISC Data Tools Software,  Meta-Xceed Inc.© 2009
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