CDISC organizes its data with Related Records (RELREC) dataset is used to describe relationships between records in two (or more) datasets.  Examples of related records include: Event record and an Intervention record, or a Finding record and an Event record.  The first step in creating the CDISC related records dataset is identifying these related records.  The FINDREL or find relationship utility helps you in identify these related records variables.  There are some search criteria which you can customize and a report will then be generated to document your FINDREL.

The FINDREL screen allows you to select the data and search criteria help locate the related records.  The data flow for this tool is shown here.

Source Data

CDISC Builder

HTML report
of related record findings


The options available for selecting data and options for FINDREL are:

  • Source Data - This is the location of the dataset that is going to be used to generate a report of related records.
  • Preview - A preview of the first 100 observations of the data that is selected.
  • Search Criteria List - A list of search criteria conditions used to find the related records.
  • Additional Search Criteria - Additional search criteria text that can be optionally added to the list of search criteria.
  • Add - The option to add specific search criteria to the list.
  • Remove - The option to remove search criteria from the list of search criteria.
  • Search Results - The findings of the search upon the specified criteria list.
  • Related Domain - The related CDISC domain that the related record is going to be assigned to.
  • Output - The location and HTML file that the report will be saved to.
  • Save Code - The code saved in this location will contain a macro call capturing all the options that has been selected.  This can therefore be executed independent from this interface as a SAS program.
The FINDREL can be applied to many datasets within the specified source location data path at one time.
    CDISC Builder - CDISC Data Tools Software,  Meta-Xceed Inc.© 2009
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