
Find variables that are potential related records used with %relrec

%findrel (datlib = library to data,
= set of datasets,
= set of new search criteria,
                   output =
html file);



Is Type...

And represents...

datlibC (200)Library name to the location where datasets containing the datasets with related records.
datasetC (400)Set of datasets in current library.  Dataset is formed as follow: ae demog conmed adverse.  If dataset is left blank the macro search through all datasets in the library.
C (300)set of user's new search criteria
C (300)The full path includes a file name and an extension "html".

This macro searches through all the datasets specified by the library and find potential variables that are related records within the CDISC SDTM model.  The search criteria will find matches in the variable label or variable names with the following words:

  • relat
  • concern
  • about
  • connect
  • compar
  • similar
  • like
  • to
    Note that the word "to " is followed by a space.

A report will be generated detailing the variables that have met the matching criteria.  The report also lists the domains as recommendations to help identify which domain the variable is related to.   Valid domains include:

Special-Purpose Domains:
Demographics - DM
Comments - CO

Concomitant Medications - CM
Exposure - EX
Substance Use - SU

Adverse Events - AE
Disposition - DS
Medical History - MH

ECG Tests - EG
Inclusion/Exclusion Exceptions - IE
Laboratory Tests - LB
Questionnaires - QS
Physical Examinations - PE
Subject Characteristics - SC
Vital Signs - VS

Trial Design Domains:
Trial Elements - TE
Trial Arms - TA
Trial Visits - TV
Subject Elements - SE
Subject Visits - SV
Trial Inclusion/Exclusion Criteria - TI


%findrel (datlib = inlib,
= demog ae);
%findrel (datlib = inlib,
                   dataset = demog ae,
= c:\cdisbld\output\findrel.html);
    CDISC Builder - CDISC Data Tools Software,  Meta-Xceed Inc.© 2009
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