Generate a PROC CONTENTS and PROC PRINT (100 obs) %contents (indata = input data set,
eptype = report type,
output = output file);
Where |
Is Type... |
And represents... |
indata | C | Source data set to be documented. This
is specified with a two level dot notation: libname.dataname.
If only one level is specified, then all the dataset defined in
the specified libname will be documented. You can also specify
individual datasets with two level names with space separation. |
reptype | C (optional) | The report type can include PROC CONTENTS
and/or PROC PRINT. Valid values include:
- both (default)
- contents
- print
output | C (optional) | Name of the output HTML file that contains
the results. If this were not to be specified then a contents.html
file is created in the current location.
Details This utility produces a summary of the
attributes of the specified datasets. It will summarize the list of
datasets being generated on the first page with hyperlinks to the top of
each report. This is produced in HTML format.
Some of the error conditions which it will verify before producing the
reports include:
- Verify if the libname specified is valid.
- Verify if a dataset name is specified is valid
- In the case of just the libname, verify if there are any dataset in
the libname
Example %contents (indata = inlib.adverse,
output = c:\temp\contents.html);
%contents (indata = inlib,
output = c:\temp\all_data.html);
%contents (indata = inlib,
reptype = contents,
output = c:\temp\all_data.html);