DIFFTEST Among 3.1.2
Data, Variable and Format Difference Test

Test 1: Variables with the same name containing different attributes across different datasets

Data Path Data name Variable Type Length Label Format Informat
1 Base C:\cdisc\data_3.1.2 SV visitnum N 8 Visit Number*
Compare C:\cdisc\data_3.1.2 TV visitnum N 8 Visit Sequence Number*

Summary: The following summarizes the number of occurrences where the variables are the same with differences in attributes.
Type: 0(0%)
Length: 0(0%)
Label: 1(100%)
Format: 0(0%)
Informat: 0(0%)

* Found Difference
Generated on: 08/15/2007, 12:30:41 pm
by: Sy Truong